Have you ever heard the age old advice: — why don’t you just think more positively? —
At times it can seem like a tired platitude.
But a positive attitude is not just forcing a smile through gritted teeth in the hopes of feeling better; it’s something a lot more profound than that. When we adopt a positive attitude, we are using the power of our mind to hone in on thoughts and ideas that are no longer serving us.
This is the core of mindfulness and it’s an approach that is seen across dozens of modern and ancient philosophies.
The word ‘attitude’ comes from the Italian for ‘posture’ is means it’s how you carry yourself, something you hold in your whole being, your entire approach to the world.
This positivity has the potential to benefit all areas of your life.
It allows you to be more open and resilient in the face of life’s day to day challenges. When you come up against an obstacle, it will also serve the purpose of guiding you away from worry, rumination, or negative thinking.
The following quotes come from a wide range of individuals and explore the necessity of being more optimistic in a world in which it can often be challenging to be yourself.
Focus on the positive The first step when it comes to adopting a positive attitude is to simply direct your attention towards the good, rather than the bad.
Take risks and live to the fullest When we are crippled by negativity, it can be hard to be true to ourselves and live the life we always wanted to.
Have faith and love deeply
It’s hard to be positive without some degree of faith.
Life will constantly send us challenges to test our positivity, and to have faith is to be able to look towards the future with optimism, in spite of such difficulties.
The positive attitude phrases that appear in this app will address some of the following topics and are selected to help people have a happier and more optimistic life:
🧠 Pоѕіtіvе mind аnd thіnkіng
🙌 Attitude and сhоісеѕ іn lіfе
💪 Bеlіеvе іn yourself
💸 Tіmе and Mоnеу
🚀 Drеаmѕ аnd thoughts
✅ Nеgаtіvіtу vѕ Hоре
😁 Happiness аnd kindness
💼 Experience
🤝 Grаtіtudе and bеіng thаnkful
😎 Suссеѕѕ аnd ѕuссеѕѕful реорlе
🥳 Hарру аnd ѕtrоng
🌟 Oрtіmіѕtіс аnd dеtеrmіnеd